The top fishing casino game for real cash play - 6D casino

What are the fish-shooting games?

Fish table games have a rich history in cities like Singapore and Hong Kong; they first appeared in arcades and have since become increasingly popular. Subsequently, Asian-oriented populations in California, the Pacific Rim and beyond have embraced them globally.

fish shooting

Fish shooting games are easy to understand – they involve multiple players (typically four) using cannons to shoot at a common pool of fish and earn rewards. Every player is placed on one end of the game board and needs to fire their cannon to target the fish efficiently.

Choosing the right fish to hunt is essential for gamers. With the plentiful varieties of fish, it’s easier to go for a small one with less awards than a larger one with more rewards as they vary in rarity, health and speed. It’s important to keep an eye on whether a fish has just entered or is about to depart the board because fish float in and out of it as well.

Visit 6D Game to Play the Greatest Big Fish Casino Games

Enjoy the excitement of 6D Casino Fish shooting with the most popular fish table game online. More than 200 fishing-themed casino games are available, including Cai Shen Fishing, Jackpot Fishing, Fishing Disco, and several others. Play to win real money, get casino bonuses, and more!

To get started, click the link below to register.

How can I play a fishing-themed casino game?

While we may have only a limited grasp of how much a player’s skill truly affects the outcomes of fish shooting games, there is a certain veil of mystery that surrounds it. In these games, the ammunition fired from the cannon serves as the primary currency. Essentially, players spend money every time they shoot a fish, and if they fail to kill it, they lose both the bullets and money spent on it. The player who fires the last bullet required to take down a particular fish reaps all the rewards.

Additionally, the effectiveness of the bullets is under player control. Why does this matter? Let’s assume that your standard rate of fire is 1 (shot): 1 (bullet). That is, one bullet is used up when one shot is fired. The bigger fish are frequently not killed by this, though. Players will frequently increase the rate to 1:5, 1:20, or 1:50 as a result.

With a 1:50 betting ratio, the stakes are considerably higher. Imagine firing a prolonged burst at this rate, only for the fish to slip away. Several casino-related factors come into play in this scenario, such as:

    • Players have access to various “tables” with different admission requirements.
    • The main currency used in the game allows players to keep playing.
    • Moreover, players can join or exit a “table” without disrupting other players’ games.

Fish Shooting Online Games

Like poker, the marketing of these games revolves around the blending of currency and gaming energy, a concept common in other online casino games. The game’s primary currency serves as the funding source for certain purchases, but players also need it to participate and replenish their ammunition. Moreover, the gameplay is often made lucrative by incorporating various boosters such as “kill all the fish on the board.”


While player avatar frames, cannon skins, and wings are usually the primary focus of monetization, power progression elements have also been identified in some games. For instance, certain games feature different cannons with varying stats.

Money, cosmetics, and boosters often form the basis of monetized material in these games. Various techniques, such as Gacha wheels, limited-time promotions, VIP systems, subscriptions, and even rentable goods, are used to commercialize the content.

How to Play the Fish Shooting Table Game Online and Utilize Bullets Sufficiently

Choose the proper bullet

There is a diverse range of bullets available in online fish table games, each designed to function differently and capable of killing various types of fish. Players need to choose the appropriate bullet type to increase their chances of killing more fish. If a player is shooting alone, they can simply use two coins worth of ammunition and continue firing until the fish dies. To avoid wasting ammunition, players should adjust their aim when targeting challenging fish.


To effectively shoot a group of four to five young fish, players should use quarter-sized bullets and aim for the center of the group. Each fish killed in this manner will award the player 5 coins. When targeting large fish, players should either have a substantial amount of coins in their account or use no more than 7 coins worth of bullets.

Use two bullets

Players can enhance their winning potential and accumulate a substantial amount of cash by strategically deciding when to load their gun and how many bullets to use. This is known as the increasing-bullet-numbers strategy.

For instance, if you use one bullet to kill a fish the first time, you can increase that number to two or three after killing ten fish. However, if you fire 100 bullets, you would lose roughly 558 points, however, you may bring back more than 1000 points in bonus points.

Fish that has just been placed on the table being shot

One of the most exciting aspects of playing fish shooting is taking down fish that have just left the table, which is considered the best strategy by experienced players. However, players must have precise aim in order to successfully hit the target, especially when dealing with small or medium-sized fish. It’s worth noting, however, that this approach is not effective for larger fish.

Apply the small-fish shooting method

Most players playing a shooting fish table game tend to focus on shooting large fish as they believe it will lead to greater rewards. However, this approach is often unsuccessful as it can result in the wastage of a large amount of ammunition with little to show for it. An effective strategy is to take advantage of the shooter’s narrow-angle to target and shoot multiple smaller fish at once. To improve efficiency, players can also rotate the barrel to continue shooting while reloading.

Aim backward and forward

Utilizing the technique of shooting both forward and backward can be a valuable strategy for players, particularly when aiming to take down larger fish. The following:

    • Load the gun and start firing continually at the large fish.

    • Fire 3 to 5 rounds at the large fish at a slower rate of fire.

    • Quicken the pace whenever the large fish begins to show symptoms of weakness.

Utilize different bullet-combinations

In the fish shooting game, there are various types of bullets with different functions. By combining bullets, players can maximize their efficiency and reap the most benefits by hunting the most fish. Elite players often use this technique, which can lead to surprising results.

How to calculate bullet points while playing the online game fish table

In all fish-shooting machines, players are awarded points based on the number of bullets fired. If a fish is successfully taken down, players will also receive the same number of bullets back for each shot. The following is the scoring:

      • Normal fish types: In fish shooting, the number of points awarded ranges from 2 to 10 per bullet. Large fish like rays are valued at 20 points, while sharks are worth 30 points.
      • Mermaid: In fish shooting, scores will be determined by colors. Pink is equivalent to 2 to 10 points, blue is worth 20 points, and red is worth 30 points. Large fish can be worth between 50 and 60 points each, with some even worth up to 150 points.
      • Dragonfish: The most dangerous species, with a score of 200, will be the final one to appear.

6D Fish Shooting FAQs

What are the fish casino games?

Fish casino games are online gambling games that replicate the fishing experience. Players can shoot at fish and other marine life using various bullets to win points or prizes.

How can I participate in fish casino games?

To participate in fish casino games, players must first create an account with 6D Casino. After signing up, players can select a game room, choose an avatar, and start shooting at the fish displayed on the screen to earn points.

How much can I win playing fish shooting games?

The amount that can be won while playing fish casino games varies depending on the game and the player’s skill level. Generally, players can earn points or rewards by shooting as many fish as possible.

Playing these games will I be able to win real money?

Certain fish casino games provide the option to bet real money on gameplay, while others allow players to play for free. Additionally, some websites may offer rewards or prizes for achieving high scores in the game.

Which tips for playing fish casino games is the best?

Utilizing various bullet combinations and honing your aim are among the most effective tips for playing fish casino games, enabling you to improve your odds of success. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the different kinds of fish you can shoot is essential for earning the maximum possible points.

In these games, what kinds of fish may I shoot?

Fish casino games typically feature a variety of fish that players can shoot, including popular species such as goldfish, clownfish, pufferfish, and sharks.


Playing fish casino games can be a fun and easy way to pass the time while also having the potential to win money. By following the tips mentioned above, players can improve their chances of winning. Join 6D Casino today to start playing and who knows, you may be the next lucky big winner!